Scientific Working Group on
DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM)
In accordance with the SWGDAM Bylaws (Section V.C.5), SWGDAM will make any new or revised guidance or standard document(s) available for public comment for a minimum of 30 days. Generally, SWGDAM attempts to review its guidance documents within 5 years of their issuance and is usually actively revising at least one of its guidance documents at any given time. SWGDAM strongly encourages the forensic DNA community or other interested group to comment on the SWGDAM documents currently in this stage of development. Upon receipt, these comments will be forwarded to the appropriate SWGDAM Committee for consideration and may be incorporated into the final document considered for approval by the SWGDAM Membership.
Alternately, SWGDAM may publish a response to a specific suggestion or recommendation on its FAQ Page for general information purposes. SWGDAM will make all reasonable efforts to advise the forensic DNA community of those documents currently available for public comment. SWGDAM strongly encourages all interested parties to regularly monitor for the guidance document(s) or standard document(s) currently available for public comment. Please use the contact portal below for providing comments on the SWGDAM document(s) available for public comment.
SWGDAM Documents Available for Public Comment
The new SWGDAM Internal Validation of Fully Continuous Probabilistic Genotyping Systems Module are now available for public comment. This document contains minimum requirements and best practice guidelines to assist laboratories in designing internal validation experiments as required by the FBI’s Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories (Forensic QAS) Standard 8.8. A probabilistic genotyping system (PGS) is comprised of software, or software and hardware, with analytical and statistical functions that utilize formulae, models, and algorithms to analyze DNA single source and mixture profiles. Laboratories may have varied validation experimental approaches that differ from those listed in his document; such approaches can be utilized if they generate enough empirical data to determine the capabilities and limitations of the system and support the laboratory’s standard operating procedures.
SWGDAM Internal Validation of Fully Continuous Probabilistic Genotyping Systems Module
Please note that the new SWGDAM Internal Validation of Fully Continuous Probabilistic Genotyping Systems Module is intended to provide technology or methodology specific guidance. When published, this module will be a child document of the new parent document entitled SWGDAM Validation Guidelines for DNA Analysis Methods: Overview Document that contains general recommended elements for validation studies. This new Overview document has completed the SWGDAM approval process, but it will not be published until the first 3 modules (that include these new SWGDAM Internal Validation of Fully Continuous Probabilistic Genotyping Systems Module) have also been approved by SWGDAM for publication. The new SWGDAM Validation Guidelines for DNA Analysis Methods: Overview Document was previously made available for public comment during November 2021. Public comments are not being solicited for the Overview Document and it is provided here for reference purposes only.
SWGDAM Validation Guidelines for DNA Analysis Methods: Overview Document
Please use the PG STR Public Comment Form below for capturing comments and submit it using the File Upload function of the Comment/Suggestion Portal below. To submit the PG STR Public Comment Form, please mark the SWGDAM Document, Page#/Line#, Comment, and Suggested Revision/New Language fields as N/A, complete the Submitted By and Email fields, and upload the Excel sheet as an attachment into the File Upload field.
This document will be available for public comment through Friday, February 14, 2025.